What we believe

  • Lutherans are people who see God’s intent for the world from a perspective of grace.  The Biblical stories – as well as our lives – are places where God’s Spirit shapes us into a mission-focused Christian community.  Lutherans trust that, in love for all creation, God came to us in the person of Jesus whose life, death and resurrection opened to us a new way of living in the world.
  • Lutherans are liturgical which means they use the ancient structure for worship which dates back to the early church.  They are historical, taking their name from Rev. Martin Luther, a reformer of the 16th century, whose biblical scholarship has been unsurpassed.  Lutherans are ecumenical, working closely with other denominations.  We are evangelical, desiring to share the love of God in Christ with others.
  • Finally, Lutherans understand that our public and civic lives are areas in which to express our faith and so we are  active in supoort of various community agencies, our local schools and other groups which help people who are in need.

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